Reimagining the relationship between Gondwanan forests and Aboriginal land management in Australia's “Wet Tropics”
The “Wet Tropics” of Australia host a unique variety plant lineages that trace their origins to the super-continent Gondwanaland. While these “ancient” evolutionary records are rightly emphasized in current management region, multidisciplinary research and lobbying by Rainforest Aboriginal Peoples have also demonstrated significance cultural heritage Tropics.” Here, we evaluate existing archeological, paleoenvironmental, historical evidence demonstrate diverse ways which forests globally significant, not only for ecological but preservation traces millennia anthropogenic activities, including active burning food tree manipulation. We argue detailed paleoecological, ethnobotanical, archeological studies, working within framework growing national world initiatives application traditional knowledge, offer best opportunities sustainable environments face increasingly catastrophic climate change bushfires. 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عنوان ژورنال: iScience
سال: 2021
ISSN: ['2589-0042']